Saturday, November 27, 2010

The joys of getting peed on by toddlers and such.

This past week was interesting. I decided that since Thanksgiving was almost over and we’d made about as many hand –turkey creations as we could, we could probably start making Christmas crafts. First I made a Rudolph hand puppet and then a Christmas tree with the kids at Bright Start. I don’t care if some people think it’s too early; what can I say, I love the holidays. The children seemed to know that we were getting a break – they seemed a little rowdier than usual. I noticed a two year old girl, Molly, heading to the potty. I also noticed that she wasn’t potty trained yet, so I asked her if she needed help. When she said yes, I tried pulling her pants down to help her, only to get peed on. She told me she was already going. It was pretty disgusting. On top of that, I showed one of the older girls a picture of me and my co-worker Jill, from when we were in 10th grade. She told me I looked scary. Don’t you just love little kids sometimes?
Along with all the constant cleaning, changing diapers, and wiping noses, I felt sick all week at work.  But since my coworkers love calling out and taking days off left and right, I stuck it out until the short week was over. Fortunately, this upcoming week there will HOPEFULLY be less children and Jill and I can work together.. Otherwise, if I have to deal with getting peed on again, I just might have to call out. FOR ONCE !

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Stupid Strep

SO this past week at Bright Start, I started off feeling great. Then as the week went on, I noticed that my co worker Jill was coughing quite a bit. Before the week was over I was feeling terrible and I had strep throat :( It was completely awful. All week at work I was feeling like crap, getting stuck watching all the kids by myself. And on the playground, there was this two year old girl and boy who were each taking turns hitting another little two year old girl and making her cry. It was almost too much to take. I felt so bad for her! Sometimes I don’t understand children.

But there is one little boy I do understand. That’s my baby brother. Ever since I started working at the daycare, we’ve become so much closer. As crazy as he is – he once started screaming, “Jesus, Mommy! I want to see Jesus!,” in the middle of church – I still love him more than anything. He and I have a wonderful bond now, one that cannot be broken. If he ever needs something, he knows he can always come to me and I’ll be there for him. Just like I know if I ever needed him to be there for me, I’m sure he would. That’s really all I could ever ask for from anyone.

The rest of my week at Bright Start was interesting to say the least.. that’s a story for another time I think though.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Halloween & Goodbyes

So, this final week at Bright Start (before the new school opened) was quite eventful. I had to say goodbye to a few of my favorite children that have been there forever as they made their way to a ‘new’ and ‘better’ school. It was tough watching them walk out on that last day.. But on the Friday before Halloween they got to wear their costumes and they were just all so cute. My little brother was Batman, another little girl was Superwoman. There were princesses and fairies and even Velma from Scooby-Doo! There was one little girl, Madilyn, who told me she was going to be a “dunk.” And when I looked in her backpack to see her costume- it was a skunk costume! They were all SO adorable. So while saying goodbye that day was hard, it was made easier by reminding me why I took this job in the first place; because children make me smile. We played Halloween games with them, made Halloween crafts with them, and one of the girls named Layne kept persistently requesting that I play the song “The Monster Mash” on the Friday before Halloween. When I went home that day, I could not get that stupid song out of my head. And all day long, one of the older boys that goes there, Antonio, was doing the dance to ‘thriller.’ Some days, it isn’t all bad taking care of children. Just as long as they don’t drive me crazy, I think I’m good.